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Name: Evander pyr Livius
Rank upon admission: Decurion
Age: 40
Sex: Male
Birth Location: Garlemald
Whereabouts: Unknown

Experiment Notes

Lab record 641-001
Author: Seia mal Nicasius, lead researcher
A new subject, designated 641-Accipiter, was recovered to our facilities in the wake of the last Bozjan Front offensive. One Evander pyr Livius, a career veteran of the IV Legion.
Preliminary triage showed shockingly little damage to the central nervous system, but extensive soft tissue damage. Our team placed the subject under stabilizing treatment while we prepared the holding systems for transfer.Further status reports will be submitted as the situation changes.

Lab record 641-003
Author: Seia mal Nicasius, lead researcher
Subject 641-Accipiter regained consciousness in his assigned Mk IV. Caliburn battle system this morning. Oh it was such a relief! The subject displayed confusion but no resistance after the explanation of events. The young man is loyal to the crown even after organic expiration.

Field Images